Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The CALL...

Thought I'd give you an update on the latest and greatest regarding our pursit of becoming Foster/Adoptive Parents. Last Saturday, we finished our CPR and First Aid Certification. I faxed that over to our social worker yesterday. Our final piece was to finish the medical exam for Mark. We had it scheduled, but they weren't able to get him in until the end of the month.

In any event, I made a call to the social worker to make sure she'd gotten all of the paperwork so far. She had it all except for Mark's medical, and I told her that was scheduled. She asked if I could maybe call the Dr. to see about scheduling it sooner rather than later...I said sure (now scheduled for next Wed).

About 10 minutes later, she called me back and said that the reason she was pushing for us to get finished is that she thinks they have a match for us! Believe it or not, they have a sibiling group that is comprised of 2 girls and 1 one boy ages 2-6. They are currently in Foster Care, and are going to be moved in the next week. They would like to move them to our home, as they are currently considered children that have a high likelyhood of being put up for adoption. We have a meeting with the Social Workers on Tuesday afternoon to learn more about the kids and their situation and needs.

In any event, we should know more in the next week, so we will keep you all posted!

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