Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In The Beginning....

My husband Mark and I have decided to adopt via the Foster Care system in our area. This has been quite a journey for us, and the postings to follow, will follow-up on our journey.

A bit about us: I'm 47 years old, and my hubby, Mark is 49. We have been married 2 years, and decided to go the Foster Adopt route as we are unable to have children together. Mark has 2 adult children from his first marriage, and was also blessed to have helped raise a 3rd. I had never been married before, or had children.

That being said, here we go:

Why Foster/Adopt: We chose this method, for a variety of reasons:

  1. We are Wish Grantors with the Make A Wish Foundation, and last year granted a wish to a child in Foster Care who was being adopted by her parents. She also had several siblings that had come out of the Foster system.
  2. About 3 months later, there was a big article in People magazine talking about kids in Foster Care that are adoptable but too old, along with a comment about siblings, and how hard it is to keep them together in Foster Care.

These two incidents that occurred several months apart got us thinking....we have a home that's large enough for sibilings, and we could actually make a difference in these kids lives... So why not...!

We attended an orientation in January, classes in April, CPR in September, and got kids here in October! What a journey...


Anonymous said...

Wow, this sounds like it is going to be a great long journey. I look forward to keeping up with you and your growing family!

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear about how you became Wish Grantors with Make a Wish. This sounds very fulfilling, and I would like to do it one day, too.